Where I’m Speaking

Here is an updated calendar of my speaking engagements

Event Information:

  • Wed

    SearchHOU - The Facebook Machine: Blending Paid and Organic Facebook for Ultimate Success

    7:00 pm611 W 22nd Street, Houston, TX

    Facebook is growing to demand more and more data from business owners while giving less and less visibility to users in the newsfeed. The popular social media website stopped being a website a long-time ago and today exists as a machine that takes in data and outputs content and revenue. To gain access to this machine you must give it what it wants more than other competitors fighting for the limited space in the newsfeed.

    In this talk I examine ways that Facebook organic and paid solutions can be used together to achieve the maximum exposure to potential customers using limited advertising budgets. I also show how this can be used to help Facebook Ads and examine how large Fan Pages skirt the rules of Facebook to grow mammoth audiences.

    Read more about The Facebook Machine here.

Joe Youngblood is an SEO, Digital Marketer, Researcher, Writer, Futurologist, and Entrepreneur focusing on the near and distant future of consumer experiences with the digital based world. He has built several businesses online including a streaming radio station, a streaming gaming video web host, and dozens of blogs. He speaks at colleges, conferences, and meetup groups around the country and has been interviewed on several podcasts and cited in numerous publications. His 5-star rated speaking style is engaging, inspirational, and informative keeping students, weary business people, and executives hanging on until the very end. When he’s not running his own agency, saving businesses from digital marketing fails, predicting the future of technology, and blogging he works on his own Sci-Fi stories and spends time with his 2 dogs.

This is a list of events he’s currently schedule to speak at, to see his past engagements click on the year and a full list will appear. You can read reviews of his speaking here: Futurologist & Marketing Speaker Reviews – Joe Youngblood