Recently PR Hunters, a tool that helps PR and Marketing folks find journalists looking for sources from around the world, did a small poll on Twitter asking journalists which social media platform they use most to find new story ideas. The poll didn’t gain a lot of votes, but the few votes cast in the poll tell an interesting story.
When given a choice between Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Reddit not a single participant said they thought Facebook was the best social media website to find new story ideas. The platform that gained the most votes was Reddit, followed closely by Twitter, and then Instagram. For SEO this could mean that the potential of gaining links from social media distribution is greater on Reddit and Twitter, and not as great on Facebook and Instagram. That would make sense with the different mechanics used by each different social media platform and how much Facebook keeps followers of Facebook pages from seeing content and how Instagram doesn’t allow links in posts.
PR Hunters is currently repeating this question in a bigger survey along with other questions with hundreds of journalists. It’ll be interesting to see if this pattern holds and what other insights might come out of the bigger survey.
Follow PR Hunters on Twitter for more pools and future updates.