How to Change the Final URL in a Google Ads Performance Max Campaign

Google Performance Max user interface can give you a headache, but mostly you can easily find steps to solve issues that arise on Google’s website. Recently though, I ran into what should have been a simple issue that did not have any Google documentation.

While changing the Final URL or “destination URL” of a Performance Max campaign is probably rare, if you made a mistake you might want to keep your campaign settings the same but change the landing page without making a whole new campaign.

Unfortunately at the time of publication if you tried to find documentation on this you would drive yourself crazy reading documents instead about how to use the Performance Max “Final URL Expansion” which is found under “Settings”. Like what happened to me recently.

In my case I had to tweet a friend and colleague, Menachem Ani founder of JXT Group,who thankfully was able to point me to the right place.

Here’s how to change the Performance Max Final URL in your campaign

1. Log in to Google Ads

2. Go to Campaigns and select your Performance Max Campaign that you want to edit

3. On the left-hand side navigation select “Asset Groups”

google performance max navigation asset groups highlighted

4. At the bottom of this page select “Edit Assets”

googld ad performance max asset groups page with the edit assets link highlighted

5. You should now see a page that looks like when you setup the Performance Max campaign.
At the top of this page is a field called “Final URL” edit your final URL here then click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.

performance max final url field on the edit assets page

Great job, you just edited your Final URL to a new landing page.

Want help with your Google Ads or Performance Max campaigns? Our team of PPC advertising experts is here to help get the most out of your advertising budget. Whatever your goals are, we can help you hit or exceed them!

Joe Youngblood

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Joe Youngblood is a top Dallas SEO, Digital Marketer, and Marketing Theorist. When he's not working with clients or writing about marketing he spends time supporting local non-profits and taking his dogs to various parks.

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