
Everything We Know About Google’s March 2023 Core Update

On Wednesday March 15th, 2023 Google released the first Core Update of 2023 also called a “Broad Core Update”. This is the second major announced search algorithm update according to […]

How to Handle Unavoidable Duplicate Content

Duplicate Content. Just uttering the word around webmasters, SEOs, and business owners can bring jagged stares and send chills down their spines. The type of content has long been blamed […]

Tools of Pubcon Austin 2023

Conferences are back, live and in-person baby! Last week I attended Pubcon Austin 2023, the first time in a decade as visitor and not a speaker, to support my friends […]

How to Avoid Making The Same Mistake As The Texas Restaurant Chain “Big Madre” When Launching a New Website

A Texas restaurant chain had their marketing agency spam one of our Facebook Groups. Since we are also based in Texas we decided to take a look at what was […]

Everything We Know About Google’s A.I. Chatbot “Bard”

Today Google made a major announcement that has been expected for weeks, they are launching an artificial intelligence chatbot in the search results. Currently, this chatbot is only available to […]

WordPress Technical SEO Guide

Navigate this article: Introduction What is Technical SEO for WordPress? Who is Responsible for the Technical SEO of a WordPress Website? The WordPress Technical SEO Guide Select a Great Webhost […]

Shopify SEO Apps

The top 43 SEO apps every Shopify website should consider using in 2022 and why. Every Shopify website has one major need in common – SEO. While the platform itself […]