
Multi-subreddit targeting puts your ad on the frontpage

It was confirmed today that when you target your ad to more than one subreddit inside of Reddit’s advertising platform it will also show on the frontpage of Reddit when […]

Cupcakes Disprove SourceFed’s Claim about Google Manipulating Search Suggest

Let me start by saying this ins’t a long post and that there’s every chance Google manually manipulated search suggest to help Hillary Clinton. However, as I show below their […]

Tool Highlight Tuesday – MegaIndex

Hi there SEO friends. If you’re like me you love data and nothing is better than free data that doesn’t suck. Especially when it’s free link data. Today I want […]

This Facebook page got 42,000 likes in 3 days and here’s how

Update: the page grew by 2,000+ likes in the time it took to write this (about 35 minutes) A friend of mine shared a post on Facebook this morning about […]