
YouTube Live and Google Search Results

You may have noticed YouTube Live results showing up in Google recently. In the past few weeks I’ve had a few clients ask if “going live” on YouTube was good […]

Hands On With Twitter’s Promote Mode

Twitter recently launched their Promote Mode, an automated advertising system designed to promote an account and the tweets made by an account to their potential audience. The Beta rollout started […]

Journalists Don’t Believe Facebook is the Best Platform to Discover New Story Ideas On

Recently PR Hunters, a tool that helps PR and Marketing folks find journalists looking for sources from around the world, did a small poll on Twitter asking journalists which social […]

How to Get Facebook To Recrawl Your Page and Update Their Cache Using the Sharing Debugger

There is nothing more annoying than trying to share a link on Facebook after you’ve meticulously selected an image, written a title, and crafted the perfect description all so 2% […]

What Happens in Google When You Launch A Brand New Website

I had the very rare opportunity of releasing a brand new website recently. At our brand Explore Media we’ve launched a blog covering a few topics in Fort Worth, TX. […]

SEO Is Not Dead, Not Even Close

“SEO is Dead!” the expert on X new technology loves to exclaim. It’s an interesting concept that Facebook, or Twitter, or Pinterest, or Snapchat, or Mobile Apps, or Virtual Reality […]

Featured Snippets Appearing in Fewer Google Searches

Google appears to be showing Featured Snippets (the answer box at the top of search results) in fewer and fewer searches starting on October 27th, 2017. MozCast, a service that […]

GIFs No Longer Autoplay On Facebook Pages

UPDATE: This is a permanent change according to Spencer Hitchcock of Facebook who stated: “In our efforts to make News Feed an even more visual and engaging place to connect, […]

An SEOs Thoughts on Google’s $2.7 Billion Fine

If you haven’t heard, yesterday, Google was fined $2.7 billion by the European Union. While many expected a fine of some sort, the amount is far larger than anyone would […]