
YouTube Videos Every Marketer Should Watch

Hi there, I’m now making YouTube videos full of marketing information. Check out the channel and let me know what you think: Joe Youngblood on YouTube Below is a list […]

How To Get People To Actually See Your Facebook Content

Facebook has the single largest social media audience in the world and is a compelling target for today’s digital marketer or business owner. Unfortunately Facebook has a long history of […]

Reddit Ads Stripping Referrer Data

The new Reddit design has the platform stripping HTTP referrer (referer) data from outbound links on the website. This includes ads. I asked the Reddit Ads staff about this and […]

How to Make a 360 Degree Selfie and My 360 Degree Selfie Photo Journal

I started a tradition a few years ago when I would go to conferences or meetup groups and take a selfie using my 360 degree camera. Until now these have […]

Reddit Will Start Running Auto-Play Video Ads Soon

Reddit recently became the #3 website in the USA according to Alexa and now the website is trying hard to capitalize on their popularity by rolling out the red carpet […]

Reddit Ads Has Launched Call To Action Buttons

Starting today you can now include a Call to Action (CTA) button with your Reddit Ad. CTA buttons have long been the go to way to get users to take […]

Reddit’s New Design is Built to Kill Traffic to Websites

Reddit is about to enter the arena of walled gardens when they release their new design to all users. The process started 2 years ago when the site decided to […]

Google is No Longer a Search Engine – The Rise of Google the Task Completion Engine [UPDATED]

Google announced a new service yesterday at Google I/O 2018 called Google Duplex and much like their announcement of Google Home / Assistant at Google I/O 2016 they reminded us […]

YouTube Live and Google Search Results

You may have noticed YouTube Live results showing up in Google recently. In the past few weeks I’ve had a few clients ask if “going live” on YouTube was good […]

Hands On With Twitter’s Promote Mode

Twitter recently launched their Promote Mode, an automated advertising system designed to promote an account and the tweets made by an account to their potential audience. The Beta rollout started […]